职场新人如何写英文邮件1一、3C 原则
1、Deliver a Clear message
2、 Use Correct grammar, vocabulary and punctuation
3、Be Concise
所以3C原则就是 clear 清晰,correct 正确,concise 简明。记住重点在于更有效的传达信息,而不是用你丰富的词汇量给对方留下印象,用更简单的句型和清晰的组织来使你写的.东西更易读。 避免陈词滥调,那些不能给你的信息带来任何新的东西的词可以省略掉。
1、Please kindly....
2、 Please help...
3、We would appreciate...
4、用to代替 in order to
5、用regarding 代替about
6、用before 代替 prior to
7、快速回复用 prompt reply
8、用by 代替 no later than
9、用s ……此处隐藏2582个字……d qualities. If you’resending a tough email to a friend, remind them that you love them beforegetting into the nitty-gritty. Don’t make apologies—but do include positivestatements with negative ones to promote diplomacy. And do your best to neverstart conversations off on the wrong foot.
9、For the love of God, do not use emoji in professional emails 看在上帝的份上,别在邮件里插表情!
Unless you’re emailing your boyfriend or your mom, DO NOT USEEMOJI. Whether it’s a fancy iPhone emoji or a makeshift colon and bracketsmiley face, nothing makes you look less professional than including emojis inyour email. If you feel the urge to emoji in a professional email, Gchat thefollowing to your best friend a thousand times to get it out of your system。